Two Boats

時は 全てを連れてゆくものらしい
なのに どうして 寂しさを置き忘れてゆくの
いくつになれば 人懐かしさを
Time seems to carry everything away with it
Yet why does it leave behind loneliness?
How old must I grow to be able to neatly let go
Of the yearning for human affection?

時よ 最後に残してくれるなら
寂しさの分だけ 愚かさをください
I'm not asking for anything difficult
Nor wishing for the impossible
Oh time, if you'd leave me something in the end
Let it be foolishness as thick as my loneliness

おまえとわたしは たとえば二隻の舟
暗い海を渡ってゆく ひとつひとつの舟
同じ歌を歌いながらゆく 二隻の舟
You and I are like two boats
Crossing the dark sea, each on its own
Although we are separated by the waves
We sail on, two boats singing the same song

The seabirds that swim with the current of the times
Always whisper of the cruel fate
Waiting to witness our bond eventually break
Dispassionately flying higher and higher and higher

敢えなくわたしが 波に砕ける日には
どこかでおまえの舟が かすかにきしむだろう
それだけのことで わたしは海をゆけるよ
たとえ舫い綱は切れて 嵐に飲まれても
Someday, when I am helplessly shattered by the waves
Somewhere, I believe, your boat will faintly creak
That alone will be enough for me to sail the sea
Even if the tie-rope should break and the storm swallows me whole

The seabirds that swim with the current of the times
Always whisper of the cruel fate
Waiting to witness our bond eventually break
Dispassionately flying higher and higher and higher

おまえの悲鳴が 胸にきこえてくるよ
越えてゆけ と叫ぶ声が ゆくてを照らすよ
きこえてくるよ どんな時も
Your scream, I can hear it in my heart
Your voice shouting "Sail across" illuminates my path
I can hear you, no matter when

おまえの悲鳴が 胸にきこえてくるよ
越えてゆけ と叫ぶ声が ゆくてを照らす
Your scream, I can hear it in my heart
Your voice shouting "Sail across" illuminates my path

I'm not asking for anything difficult
Nor wishing for the impossible, and yet

風は強く波は高く 闇は深く 星も見えない
風は強く波は高く 暗い海は果てるともなく
風の中で波の中で たかが愛は 木の葉のように
わたしたちは二隻の舟 ひとつずつの そしてひとつの
The winds are violent, the waves high, the darkness deep, the stars concealed
The winds are violent, the waves high, the dark sea seems endless
In the midst of the winds, amongst the waves, mere love is like a feeble tree leaf
We are two boats, each on its own, yet eventually one

Author: Miyuki Nakajima
Translator: Charlie Lu
Posted: May 12, 2024